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Manufacturing real wood veneer components since 1986

Today, more than ever, trees are precious and threatened species.

A vital element in the life-support system of our planet Earth, they take in carbon dioxide and, in return, release fresh, cleansing oxygen into the atmosphere. High-quality wood for furniture is a scarce and valuable raw material. It must be cherished and used in a responsible manner.

Real wood veneer is the answer to a sustainable future.

We offer reliable and top-quality veneered products, over-edge veneered components, specialised design cuts, custom-made flush panel doors and acoustic ceiling and wall panels.


Veneer Craft was established in 1986 as a direct result of not being able to source high-quality veneering or upgrading over hardwood edges.

This proved to be highly successful and shortly after establishing Veneer Craft, many reputable manufacturers approached us to promote the veneering on their behalf. Today, we provide a veneering service to furniture and kitchen manufacturers, cabinetmakers, shop fitters, boatbuilders, joiners and also work with architects and interior designers.

As a Cape Town-based operation, working to design specifications, we supply and service the Peninsula, Western Province, Northern Province and clients in Namibia.

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